Writing consistently goes a long way…

Clarence Tan
3 min readMay 3, 2021


I have never been a writer for most part of my life. There is one thing that I enjoyed which is story-telling. A lot of my friends were very interested in my transition story from accounting to data analytics. I had very good response from my peers as they read my stories but I didn’t expect it to have a bigger outreach than I expected.

Looking from the statistics as below. I was really surprised that I was able to achieve a few thousands of views for my posts. This really emphasizes the point of putting yourself out there for people to see. I am really thankful for the readers who spent some time to read my publications.

Statistics as of 02 May 2021

What I learnt from this journey

I have branched out of from medium to create my own blog (https://goingmeraki.com) because I felt that I can have greater control on the style and visuals for my webpage. However, I am planning to spend some time writing on medium.com as well because I feel that there is also some potential for better outreach. I am not a great digital marketer but I do enjoy sharing my views and knowledge on a certain topic. Regardless of the platform, my purpose would be to share and hopefully inspire someone to follow their goals and dreams.

Growing my skillsets

I am still new and always learning about the social media space. Truthfully speaking, I am a person who lacks the eye for graphics and marketing. However, I do tell myself that I can still grow and learn to better, especially in writing. Though I would say the effort is lesser as compared to making videos, I still need the creative juice to kick start my writing. There were days that I had no idea what I should write about. Or sometimes, I would be overwhelmed on which topics I should start writing.

Enjoying the process

I think I first started blogging when I wrote about a post of my amazing journey in Europe and the daredevil activities I did over the years. I won the best visual for my post because I made a GIF of me jumping off the helicopter and bungee jump. I think it caught the eyes of the judges. The prize was tickets to Universal Studio Singapore and I gave it to my relatives because they have never visited the place before. I think it is because of this incident that I start to realize that I really do enjoy blogging and maybe creating as a side hustle for myself in the future

Is it possible to make money?

I have signed up for the Medium Partner Program so it does compensate you provided if you have enough views for your post. On average I get a few cents a month but I do feel that it can a potential career for those who love writing. More importantly, you will get better as you publish more posts online. Eventually, you will be able to reach your audience and who knows, it will open up new opportunities for you in the future.

What’s next for me?

I still have a lot to experiment in this space and I hope to dedicate more time to writing and producing content. I got to admit that for the past 6 months I was too involved with too many activities, thus slowing down my momentum in creating quality content for viewers. Ultimately, I hope I can provide better writings for everyone.



Clarence Tan
Clarence Tan

Written by Clarence Tan

A recent convert from accounting to tech. Data Analyst and a tech enthusiast

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